Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Welcome to my insane asylum!!
First allow me to introduce myself.My name is Mindy and I have a beautiful two year old daughter.While in my sixth month of pregnancy my husband and I decided that we both really wanted her to have a stable stay at home parentage for at least the first five years of her life and thus began my miss-adventures as a stay at home mom.Now to everyone out there looking for advice you are in the wrong spot cause I have none of the answers you are looking for believe me, but if your just looking for an everyday place to vent your frustrations or celebrate your parental acheivements then I welcome you with open arms or should I say open quotation marks as my computer does not have actual physical arms,at least not yet.My goal in these post are number one and for most to educate others to the fact that they are not alone in their frustrations and yes triumphs,number two allow myself to be educated into others frustrations and triumphs,and lastly to hopfully turn said frustrations and triumphs into a little bit of comical release at the end of a long day.All in all together we should also be able to find effective ways to our biggest parental obsticals(Maybe big Maybe)and at the very least gain legitimate friendship with others who appreciate what it means to be a stay at home parent.
In closing I would like to say that no matter what kind of obsticals I may write about on here or how insane I may feel at the end of the day,no matter what She is SO Worth it!!!!!!!